How to Apply
The Community Preservation Committee Announces Application Deadlines for the 2025-2026 Funding Rounds
Only time-urgent applications will be accepted for funding consideration at the November 2025 Town Meeting. These applications are due at the Community Preservation office by 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 9, 2025. Potential applicants must contact Community Preservation staff to determine whether their project meets the criteria for time urgency.
All other applications will be considered for funding at April 2026 Town Meeting. These applications are due at the Community Preservation office by 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, August 6, 2025.
Applications for the four funding categories of CPA – Open Space, Recreation, Community Housing, and Historic Preservation – are available on the Community Preservation Committee page of the Town Website at and on this page under “Downloadable Forms.”
Grant Applications
The Falmouth Community Preservation Committee (CPC) typically accepts grant applications on an annual basis. CPFund staff manage projects from application stage through project closeout for funded projects. They are available to provide information about how your organization can apply for grants with complete applications in the four eligible areas. Applicants are required to include realistic budgets with supporting quotes or estimates and schedules for project completion. There are additional requirements for historic preservation projects to ensure that work conforms to the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties.
Projects are eligible for Community Preservation funding that:
Acquire, create, preserve, and support community housing
Acquire, create, and preserve open space
Rehabilitate and restore open space that was acquired with community preservation funds
Acquire, create, preserve, rehabilitate, and restore land for recreation
Acquire, preserve, rehabilitate and restore historic resources
Preservation Restriction (PR) Policy for Falmouth CPFund Historic Preservation Grants... Read More
Application Review Process
The CPC reviews grant applications, interviews applicants, and recommends project appropriation from the CPFund to Town Meeting, which may or may not appropriate the recommended funds. The Committee evaluates proposals keeping in mind public benefit, project feasibility, the Local Comprehensive Plan and other relevant town-wide plans, as well as information gained from regular need assessments.
See the Town of Falmouth Community Preservation webpage for application and submission deadlines and guidelines
The Community Preservation Fund
59 Town Hall Square
Falmouth, Mass 02540
Tel: 508-495-7436
Fax: 508-457-2511